Capacity Building and Skill Enhancement

Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement Activities -2021 -22

Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement Activities -2022 -23

The institute believes in holistic development of the students so that they become not only successful engineers but also happy and responsible members of society. With an endeavor to empower the students to become assets to the organizations and contribute meaningfully to the entire world, students are supported and facilitated through various capability enhancement and development schemes.

Capacity Building and Capacity Building and Skill Enhancement Activities of last 5 years

Soft Skills

Soft Skills can help to grow a powerful personality . It helps one to stand out and reach one’s goals. Keeping this belief at the core of the education system, the college provides for a strong foundation for the all-round development of the students. To make our students corporate ready, the Training and Placement Officer, Mr. Nagananda conducts various sessions on :-

  1. Personality Development
  2. Presentation Skills
  3. Goal Setting
  4. Confidence-building
  5. Resume Writing
  6. Placement Process
  7. Transactional Analysis Interviews
  8. Decision Making

Language Lab

The Language Lab was set up in 2012 at VESIT to improve the communication skills of the students through the use of various innovative techniques and strategies while using the advanced software available in the lab. To enable the students to attain this expertise in the use of language, integrated skills of ‘listening’, ‘speaking’, ‘reading’, and ‘writing’ was strengthened and reinforced through special sessions conducted by the faculty in charge to empower the students to use it efficiently and effectively in their daily lives. The sessions especially benefited students who lack competency in English language as it fostered confidence-building for interviews and intra and inter collegiate competitive events.

VESLit Circle, was established as an extension of the language lab, to give further impetus to students who have great love and interest in English language and literature. While the activities in the Lab focused on improving the communication skills of those students who required assistance at enhancing their competency in the language.

Since its inception in 2015, every year, VESLit Circle holds its Annual Literature Fest, The VESLit Week, which marks a week-long extravaganza, that includes online events like,

  • Story writing
  • Micro-fiction
  • Poetry competitions
  • Poster Making
  • One Act Play
  • Debates
  • Elocution
  • Quiz
  • Mock parliament
  • Films
  • Game of Shows
  • TTT

This fest has become one of the most popular events in the institute, and probably among the very few bodies which have events held in collaboration with establishments like The Union Bank of India and The Times of India. The popularity of VESLit week can be witnessed by the huge number of students who participate actively in all the competitions. These events help the students to not only build their courage to speak in public with confidence and poise, but also develop their critical thinking and nurture leadership skills.

VESlang is another wonderful initiative taken to polish the English Language proficiency of the students this year. A dedicated team of alumni with Dr Geeta Ajit came together in November 2020 and had many brainstorming sessions to formulate a course which would correspond to the needs of the students. After days of discussion, a six-week training program was designed to meet the basic requirement to be selected by a company for employment.


Life Skills

Life skills are essentially those abilities that help to promote overall wellbeing and competence in young people as they face the realities of life. Life skills include psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathize with others, and cope with managing their lives in a healthy and productive manner. Our institute promotes mental and physical health benefits among the faculty members and students through Yoga and Meditation sessions which are conducted from time to time. Various counselling and sessions are also organized by VESLARC. To make students aware of the importance of cleanliness and hygiene and make them a responsible member of society, various beach cleaning drives, say no plastic usage drives etc. are held in college .The Social Responsibility team also organizes from time to time blood donation and health checkup camps along with sessions on female hygiene, handling mental stress, changing habits etc.


Information Communication Technology

The introduction of ICTs in the college has profound implications in the teaching learning process especially in dealing with key issues of access, equity, management, efficiency, pedagogy and quality. The classrooms have the necessary ICT required infrastructure for optimal usage of the ICT tools. Various events like Hackathons , Praxis-technical fest of college, programs like E-Disha, Awakening the Scientists, activities conducted by Code Cell, Tinkerers Lab , LabView and various virtual labs promote the usage of ICT to polish the technical skills of students.

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