Extended ID Description Response of HEI Supporting Document
4.3 Number of Computers "As given in the extended profile, the number of computers available for students are 1228 during the latest completed academic year 2020-2021. Attached documents 1. List of Total Number of Computers (Department Wise) 2. Stock Registers Extract (Department Wise) and 3.Bills of Computers Purchased Yearwise clearly shows that total 1228 computers are available for students .Student Computer Ratio is 2.42 : 1 whereas AICTE recommanded ratio is 4 : 1. The same fact has been observed by the visited peer team and reflected in the report that “The Institute is having enough computers for students ''. (PTV report). For your kind consideration attaching supporting documents. " View

Metric ID Description Response of HEI Supporting Document
1.1.3 "Teachers of the Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating University and/are represented on the following academic bodies during the last five years Academic council/BoS of Affiliating university Setting of question papers for UG/PG programs Design and Development of Curriculum for Add on/ certificate/ Diploma Courses Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University HEI Input :C. Any 2 of the above DVV suggested Input : Change Input (Optional):E. None of the aboveD. Any 1 of the aboveC. Any 2 of the aboveB. Any 3 of the aboveA. All of the above"

HEI Input: A- All of the above Please find the attached documents: 1) Providing (English translated) Nomination Letter of from their Affiliating University clearly indicating membership in BoS and Academic Council valid for the assessment period. 2) Providing Document showing the faculty participation in the design and development of Curriculum for Add on/ certificate Courses. 3) Providing the letters from the Affiliating University inviting the faculty for assessment /evaluation 4) Providing letters from the Affiliating University to faculty members for setting of question papers for UG/PG programs.

1.4.1 "Institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution from the following stakeholders 1) Students 2)Teachers 3)Employers 4)Alumni HEI Input :B. Any 3 of the above DVV suggested Input : Change Input (Optional):E. None of the aboveD. Any 1 of the aboveC. Any 2 of the aboveB. Any 3 of the aboveA. All of the above"

HEI Input: All of the above Please find attached the Filled feedback forms of each stakeholder year wise where all the curriculum based questions are highlighted for more clarity.

1.4.2 "Feedback process of the Institution may be classified as follows: Options: Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available on website Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken Feedback collected and analysed Feedback collected Feedback not collected HEI Input :C. Feedback collected and analysed DVV suggested Input : Change Input (Optional):E. Feedback not collectedD. Feedback collectedC. Feedback collected and analysedB. Feedback collected, analysed and action has been takenA. Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available on website"

Please find attached the Filled feedback forms of each stakeholders year wise where all the curriculum based questions are highlighted for more clarity.

3.3.3 "Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year-wise during last five years Current Value : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 DVV suggested Input : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 14 18 10 9 7 Change Input (Optional) : 2020-21 60 2019-20 87 2018-19 39 2017-18 24 2016-17 14 "

Institute has shared Cover page, content page and first page of the sample publications. Institute has also shared web-links of research papers by Title, Author, Department name and Year of Publications during last five years.

3.4.2 "Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government/ government recognised bodies during the last five years Total number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government/ Government recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years. Current Value : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 DVV suggested Input : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 3 3 5 10 1 Change Input (Optional) : 2020-21 (3) 2019-20 (3) 2018-19 ( 5 ) 2017-18 (10 ) 2016-17 (1 ) "

Institute has shared E-copy of the award letters and recognition letters year wise for extension activities.

3.5.1 "Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship per year Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship year-wise during the last five years Current Value : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 DVV suggested Input : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 15 17 18 16 10 Change Input (Optional) : 2020-21 (15) 2019-20 (17) 2018-19 (18) 2017-18 (16 ) 2016-17 (10) "

Institute has shared copies of collaboration related documents indicating the nature of collaboration and activities year-wise.

3.5.2 "Number of functional MoUs with institutions, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the last five years Number of functional MoUs with Institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. year-wise during the last five years Current Value : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 DVV suggested Input : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 5 8 5 1 2 Change Input (Optional) : 2020-21 (2) 2019-20 (4) 2018-19 (5) 2017-18 (1) 2016-17 (2)"

Institute has shared E-copy of the letters showing MOUs with other institutions.

4.3.3 "Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution HEI Input :D. 5 MBPS – 10 MBPS DVV suggested Input :A. ≥50 MBPS Change Input (Optional):A. ≥50 MBPSB. 30 MBPS – 50 MBPSC. 10 MBPS – 30 MBPSE. < 5 MBPSD. 5 MBPS – 10 MBPS "

"Institute upgrades the Internet facilities regularly. At present we have a 100 MBPS dedicated leased line. As per VES (Vivekanand Education Society - Trust of VESIT) centralized network policy, 200 MBPS leased line has been purchased from Reliance Jio Infocom Limited as primary ISP and 200 MBPS leased line has been purchased from Bhawani Cable and broadband services as a buffer. Both leased line inputs have been activated with load balance redundancy for maintained 99.9 % uptime. Billing of both ISPs are addressed to VES Trust head-office. VES Trust Head-office will pay internet charges to above mentioned ISPs.and in turn generates the debit notes institute-wise as per their bandwidth requirement and utilization and ,institutes will be paying to VES Trust accordingly. At present we have a 100 MBPS dedicated leased line, which has been observed by the peer team and was mentioned in their report that ""Institution updates its IT facilities including Wi Fi"" . For your kind consideration attaching supporting documents. "

5.1.1 "Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government during last five years Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the institution, Government and non-government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the last five years (other than students receiving scholarships under the government schemes for reserved categories) Current Value : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 DVV suggested Input : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 1150 1105 1005 813 588 Change Input (Optional) : 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17"

" HEI is providing for your kind perusal 1.Screenshot of MahaDBT portal: MahaDBT is the Maharashtra Government Scholarship portal, students apply for all types of government scholarships. 2.For reference few sanction letters have been attached and link for all sanction letters of scholarship and freeship has been provided."" "

5.1.3 "Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following Soft skills Language and communication skills Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) ICT/computing skills HEI Input :C. 2 of the above DVV suggested Input : Change Input (Optional):E. None of the aboveD. 1 of the aboveC. 2 of the aboveB. 3 of the aboveA. All of the above "

"The institution has a robust system for the capacity building and skill enhancement (soft skills, language and communication, life skills and ICT) of the students of the institution. The institute believes in holistic development of the students so that they become not only successful engineers but also happy and responsible members of society. With an endeavor to empower the students to become assets to the organizations and contribute meaningfully to the entire world, students are supported and facilitated through various capability enhancement and development schemes. The institute makes sure that both hard skills and soft skills of the students are honed by conducting regular soft skills, language lab sessions and various ICT activities. Our institute also promotes mental and physical health benefits among the faculty members and students through Yoga and Meditation sessions which are conducted from time to time. Please find the following documents attached for your kind perusal. A)Web-link to particular program/ scheme mentioned in the metric B)Copy of circular /brochure /report of the event program wise. C)Geotagged Photographs with date and caption for each scheme or event. D)List of programs conducted and the number of students enrolled for each of the events year wise All the documents are signed by the head of the institution. "

5.1.5 "The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees HEI Input :C. 2 of the above DVV suggested Input :D. 1 of the above Change Input (Optional):A. All of the aboveB. 3 of the aboveC. 2 of the aboveD. 1 of the aboveE. None of the above "

"Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology has a transparent and prompt mechanism to address various issues and grievances raised by the students. The institute has various committees like Anti-Ragging Committee, Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee, Internal Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee etc. Students can resolve their issues by directly contacting the authorities as the college follows open door policy or by dropping their concerns in the suggestion box placed outside the principal office. Circular/web-link/ committee report justifying the objective of the metric is attached in the supporting documents.All the committees like Internal Complaints / Grievances Committee formation / other committees are formed as per UGC norms .The supporting documents are attached for reference. "

7.1.2 "The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures Solar energy Biogas plant Wheeling to the Grid Sensor-based energy conservation Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment HEI Input :E. None of the above DVV suggested Input :D. 1 of the above Change Input (Optional):E. None of the aboveD. 1 of the aboveC. 2 of the aboveB. 3 of the aboveA. 4 or All of the above"

Two facilites, Viz., 1. Solar Energy and 2.Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment are available in our insitute. For the above mentoed facilities - Details of the existing facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures, Geo-tagged photos of LED lights, Bills for the purchase of equipments for the facilities created under this metric are provided in the documents attached. Also, Link to the institute's website displaying the same is given below

7.1.4 "Water conservation facilities available in the Institution: Rain water harvesting Borewell /Open well recharge Construction of tanks and bunds Waste water recycling Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus HEI Input :C. 2 of the above DVV suggested Input :B. 3 of the above Change Input (Optional):E. None of the aboveD.1 of the aboveC. 2 of the aboveB. 3 of the aboveA. Any 4 or all of the above "

"All the FIVE Water conservation facilities are available in the Institution: i) Rain water harvesting ii) Borewell /Open well recharge iii) Construction of tanks and bunds iv) Waste water recycling v) Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus The following bills for the purchase of equipment for the facilities are provided: 1. Rain water harvesting facility was created at the time of construction of the building hence separate bills for the same are not available (the availability of this facility was verified by the peer team) 2. Bills for borewell construction (submitted) 3. Construction of tanks was done during the construction of the building, hence separate bills for the same are not available (the availability of this facility was verified by the peer team) 4. Bills for waste water recycling (submitted) 5. Bills for maintenance of waterbodies and distribution system (submitted) Also, Link to the institute's website displaying the same is given below "

Executive Summary

Extended Profile

Criterion 1

Criterion 2

Criterion 3

Criterion 4

Criterion 5

Criterion 6

Criterion 7


NAAC Grade Sheet

NAAC Certificate










NAAC Committee List

NAAC Grade Sheet

NAAC Certificate