Research and Development


Ear Biometrics: One more step towards Social Distancing  Completed
Predicting Floods as a Consequence of Deforestation  Completed
COVID-19 Care: Checking whether people are following social distancing and wearing face masks or not using Deep Learning  Completed
Object detection using aerial data  Completed
Nayan- Narrator for the visually impaired  Completed
Vardaan - The power of two miracles in every breath  Completed
AutoDL  Completed
Detecting influential user and influential post in online social media  Completed
Smart voting system using retinal image detection  Completed
Textlytic - Automatic Project Summarization using Natural Language Processing  Completed
Chala Shikuya : The Primary Aid for Learning  Completed
Divya Drishti (Divine Perception)  Completed
Artificial Intelligence Model for Epidemiology of Tuberculosis  Completed
Artificial Intelligence Model for Epidemiology of Tuberculosis  Completed
Electronic Radioactivity Simulator  Completed
Study and Characterization of Schottky Diode Semi-Conductor Detector  Completed
Study and Characterization of Inorganic Scintillator Detector  Completed
Research Grade Universal Bio Medical Analyzer  Completed
Acquisition and Analysis of EEG Signals With Improved Signal to Noise Ratio  Completed
Mobile and Wireless Sensor Network for Precision Agriculture  Completed
High Resolution Resistance and Capacitance Measurement  Completed
Low Amplitude (uV) Signal Generation With High Signal to Noise Ratio  Completed
To Design an Integrator Circuit for the Output Voltage Signal of Rogowski Coil  Completed
To Design an Amplifier Circuit for Output Voltage Signal of Rogowski Coil  Completed
To provide DC Shift Correction for Sensing True AC Signal  Completed
Data Acquisition & Calibration System for TAC Based Phase Shift Measurement  Completed
Time to Amplitude Converter for Nanosecond Phase Shift Measurement  Completed
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