Research and Development


Leakage Detection Using Fiber Optics Simulation  Completed
High Speed Peak Detection Circuit  Completed
Kalman Filter Technique in Engineering data science with application in Nuclear Reactions  Completed
Bayseian Techniques in Engineering Data with application in Nuclear Reactions  Completed
Study, Design and Construction of High Resolution A to D Converter with High Sampling Rate  Completed
Simulation of shielding characteristics using GEANT4  Completed
Nuclear data evaluation for 241Am using Kalman Filter Technique  Completed
New Research Avenues in Low Level Signal Processing  Ongoing
New Methods of High Performance Reconfigurable Analog to Digital Converters  Ongoing
Investigation and Characterization of Partial Discharge Phenomena in High Voltage Equipment  Ongoing
New methods for the Design of Nuclear Pulse Spectroscopy for Optimum Performance  Ongoing
Research for changes in characteristics of optical fibres with changes in various Parameters like temperature, vibration etc.  Ongoing
Advances in Timing Spectroscopy and Time of Flight Measurement  Ongoing
Application of Kalman filter Techniques in Nuclear Data science  Ongoing
Design and construction of precision and sliding pulse generator  Ongoing
Kernel based machine learning for nuclear application  Ongoing
Time Pick off Circuit for Nuclear Timing Spectroscopy Applications  Ongoing
Design and construction of a computer controlled High resolution Research Grade Validation System for Hardware Research  Completed
Time to digital converter for nuclear timing spectroscopy system  Completed
Design and construction of programmable TAC for timing spectroscopy applications  Ongoing
Electromyography based Joint angle analysis for prediction using Kalman Filter techniques  Ongoing
Design and construction of Optical Signal Processing System  Ongoing
Low Cost High performance computer controlled system for Measurement of Ultracapacitor Characteristics  Ongoing
EOG based Drowsiness detector  Ongoing
Development of Methodology for Indian Evaluated Nuclear Data Library for applications in S&T  Ongoing
Diabetic Retinopathy Classification and Severity Prediction  Ongoing
Optical Perimetry System  Ongoing
CoreVeillance: Making Our world a Safer Place  Completed
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