Alumni Speaks

Mr. Ananth Krishnan

College life at VESIT had two dimensions; educational and personal. On the educational side, I was part of the second batch after the college started. (Yes, I am old!). We had some really exceptional teachers, but we did face some challenges that come with being a student in a new college. We had to help ourselves, but that did make us more independent. I fell in love with computing during my time at VESIT and it became my career. The most unique thing about VESIT then was: extracurricular activities were very controlled. I still chuckle when I think of the rule that we could not use words like ‘Pyaar’ and ‘Zulf ’ in the annual events. One the personal side, I met some very smart classmates at VESIT that were good human beings as well. They helped me become what I am and my friendship with them continues to this day.

If I was addressing my own former self, I would give the following message: You are capable of making a difference in this world. It is not about doing great things, it is about doing even small things in a great way. You are your own limit. So here are some things to consider. Expand your vision beyond a job or career. In what way would you like to make a difference in this world? In what way would you like to be a positive con tributor to the community, nation and world? What can you do that is related uniquely to your talents and abilities? How will you give back  to your family, community and country? What can you do to set an example for others? What will make others look at you and say, ‘That is the way a positive person lives’. Last but not least, the V in VESIT stands for Vivekananda, the person who never understood the word ‘not possible’. Read about him, read what he wrote and read how he lived. And then, try to live it. That is the best thing you can do for yourself and your college!

Mr. Ananth Krishnan
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