Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Programme: M.E (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering)

Laboratory Facilities

TV, VLSI & Satallite Comm. Lab

Laboratory courses conducted: - Digital VLSI design, Linear Integrated Circuits(LIC), Digital Electronics(DE) and Satellite Communications etc.

This lab is equipped with Computers and Professional Softwares like Xilinx Vivado 16.2, Mentor Graphics and hardware like Zybo FPGA  kit, Analog discovery kit(Digilant), Papilio FPGA kits(Gadget Factory), Digital trainer kits, CRO, DSO, Function generators, Power supplies with various ICs required for LIC,DE subjects. This lab is also equipped with satellite trainer kits used for Satellite communication lab. Few Internship projects are also carried out in this lab.

Analog & Digital Comm. Lab

Laboratory Courses Conducted:-  Digital Communication ( DC ), Principal of Communication Engineering (PCE) , Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic (NNFL), Computer Communication Networking (CCN), Data Compression And Encryption (DCE) . This Lab is Equipped with both  Hardware and Professional licensed software facilities.

Major Equipments in labs are;- Digital Storage Oscilloscope ( DSO ), Cathode Ray Oscilloscope ( CRO ), Spectrum Analyzer , Function Generator , Signal Generator, DMM, Power supply, Computers (HCL,HP, DELL)  and Various Analog and Digital Communication Trainer kits (Kitek, Edkit, Falcon/Akademika, Scientech , Sigma, DCL make) 

Major software for students:- CommSim 7. Matlab R2016a , Netsim , Python ,Cisco Packet Tracer, Wireshark. Libre office, Scilab , Net protector antivirus etc.

RF, Microwave & Antenna Comm. Lab

Laboratory courses conducted: - RF Circuit Design, Microwave Devices and Circuits, Computer Communication Networks, Electromagnetic wave Theory etc. Lab is equipped with ZVH8 Handheld Cable and Antenna Analyzer with Spectrum and Network facility- [100KHz-8GHz] (Rohde and Schwarz), DSO-(Agilent, Aplab, Tektronix, Rigon), Spectrum Analyzer-50MHz (Hameg), Spectrum Analyzer- 3GHz (Agilent), Standard Signal Generators for RF-range, Network Analyzer-3GHz (Agilent), Transmission Line Trainer, Computers with latest configuration etc. Software like MATLAB, Ansoft, PCADD are used for simulation.

DSP & IP open source

 Lab Laboratory courses conducted: Odd semester subjects- Open Source Technology, Neural Network, Speech Processing etc. Even semester subject- Image Processing, Digital signal Processing Lab. Softwares used are Matlab, Python, Scilab, LTspice, SEQUEL, Xilinx using HDL.  Lab is equipped with: License software is Matlab R2015a( Basic with Image Processing Toolbox and Neural Network Toolbox

DLink Academic, Network & Wireless Comm.

Lab Laboratory courses conducted- Mobile Communication. Softwares used are Netsim and Scilab. Even semester subject Wireless Network. Softwares used are NetSim and Scilab. License software is NetSim Academic 11.0 and Matlab Matlab2011b ( with Image Processing Toolbox and Neural network Toolbox.  Specialized D-Link Types of equipment: D-LINK - L 3 Management Switch, D-LINK - Air Premier N Access point, D-LINK - Unified Access point, D-LINK - Wireless Controller, D-LINK - Unified Switch

Optical fiber Comm & Network Lab

Laboratory courses conducted: - Optical communication,Telecom network management,Database management  Theory etc.  Lab is equipped  with Optical Time Domain Reflectometer, Fiber optic kits,Computers with latest configuration etc.COMSOL multiPhysics (5.3) Software,Netsim academic (7.0) ,MATLAB(2011b) are used for simulation.

Innovation Lab & Tinkerer's Lab

Courses Conducted :- This is an innovation  lab for Departmental projects as well as ME projects. This lab is equipped with computers and components required for projects. All projects from competitions are made here. This lab is basically made for helping the students to tinker with projects. Technical workshops and competitions are conducted every year by tinkerer’s lab. All these workshops and competitions are run by students with aid from teachers.  Equipment in lab :- Raspberry pi 3b+ board kits including HDMi cables, Camera etc.(20 No.), Arduino Mega boards, Node MCU, DC motors, Soldering gun kits, DC batteries etc. This lab also includes a few MSP430 kits from Texas instruments.

PCB, Microprocessor/Microcontroller & Embedded System Lab

PCB Lab:- This Lab is equipped with a wide range of Equipments, devices and software, which helps the students to practice electronics circuit assembly and testing and also provides a deep insight into the world of electronics practice. It is the skeleton of applied electronics.  Microprocessor/Microcontroller Lab:- The purpose of this laboratory is to train the students to be familiar with the software and hardware of microprocessors/ Microcontrollers so that they can gain enough experiences to meet the demand of the microprocessor era. This Lab is equipped with Microprocessor kits (8086), Microcontroller kits (8051), Interface boards, Interrupt controller, Timer, ADC, DAC, Serial Communication, Stepper motor, Traffic control, Keyboard and display control , multimeter (digital), PC based interface, Oscilloscopes, Function generator, power supply, RS 232c cable & connector, Universal programmer, DSO.  Embedded system Lab:-This Lab is equipped with PCs (HP i5/HCLi3/Intel HCLCore 2 Duo 2.83 GHz, 4GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, USB port, HP optical mouse, keyboard, 17’’ LCD monitor), software packages, embedded processor development modules (STM32F401-Nucleo 64). Various types Electronic sensors & modules. Keil software for ARM processor, C Compiler, RTOS and target boards.

Electronic Devices & Integrated circuits Lab


This lab is specially equipped for second year students.  The purpose of this laboratory is to train the students with hardware experiments and simulation softwares. Students can perform the experiment by mounting the components on the breadboard as per the circuit diagram and can check the output in the form of waveforms on CRO. Students can also verify the results of hardware experiments using computer simulation software like LTSPICE.

Laboratory courses conducted: - Electronics Devices and Circuits-I, Electronics Devices and Circuits-II, Television engineering (TV), Logic Design (for INFT), Electronics  Circuits and communication Fundamentals (ECCF)(for computer).

Lab is equipped with CRO (with specifications- 30MHz two channel CRO), Frequency generator (3MHz), Power supplies (regulated dual power supplies- 0-32V, 3Amp and regulated dual power supplies - 0-32V, 2Amp with +-12v, +-5V/5A), multimeters, bread-boards, Trainer kits and different types of electronic components like Resistors (of different values), Capacitors (of different values), Diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs like BC547, QN2222), Field Effect Transistors (FETs like BFW-11) which are required to perform practicals/experiment and mini-projects of related  subjects. Lab is equipped with 14 computers (Core2 duo and HP i5) on which students can perform simulation of different experiments. 

Softwares required: LTSPICE (freeware)

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