Dr. J. M. Nair
Head of Department
Sangeetha Prasanna Ram
Biomedical Instrumentation, Stochastic control, Nuclear data science
B.E Instrumentation (UG): Biomedical Instrumentation, Analytical Instrumentation, Bio-sensors and signal Processing, Signal Conditioning and Circuit Design, Principles of Control System, Application Software Practices (using LabVIEW), Electronics and Digital Instrumentation, M.E Instrumentation and Control (PG): Bio-Instruments and Imaging , Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation , Principals of Tomographic Imaging
Associate Professor
Deepti Khimani
Control Systems, Embedded Systems
Structural programming (FE)
Management Information Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Human Computer Interface
Software Architecture
Associate Professor
Dr. Machhindranath Devidas Patil
Associate Professor
Nilima V Warke
Associate Professor
Kanchan Chavan
Signal Conditioning and Circuit Design, Transducers-II, Principles of Control System, Nuclear Instrumentation, Application Software Practices (using LabVIEW), Digital Electronics
1) Ashwath S. Rao, Kanchan Chavan, P. P. Vaidya,“Radioactivity Analysis with NaI(Tl) Detector”, Avishkar Research 2012.
2) Paper titled "Robust Active Queue Management for Wireless Networks" by Chavan K., Kumar R.G., Belur M.N.,Karandikar A. published in IEEE Transations on Control Systems Technology Volume: 19 Issue: 6, On page(s): 1630 - 1638 Issue Date: Nov 2011.
3) Paper titled “Time to Amplitude Converter for Phase Shift Detection” by Divya Chacko, Mrs. Kanchan Chavan published in International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October, 2015.
4) Paper titled “High Resolution Wide Dynamic Range for Programmable Delay Generator for Applications in Timing Spectroscopy” by Shivali Dube, Kanchan Chavan,Dr. P. P. Vaidya published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 6, Issue 1,January 2017.
5) Paper titled “Time Pick off Circuit for Nuclear Timing Spectroscopy Applications” by Kunal Raut, Kanchan Chavan published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 7,Issue 10, October 2018
6) Paper titled "A New Method of Time Interval Measurement With High Resolution Over Wide Dynamic Range for Nuclear Timing Spectroscopy Applications," by K. Chavan, P. Vaidya and J. Nair presented in IEEE Sponsored 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) at Pune, March 2019, paper published in IEEE Xplore
7) Paper titled “Programmable Time to Digital Converter for nuclear timing spectroscopy system”, by K. Chavan, P. Vaidya and J. Nair published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Volume 08, Issue 11, Nov 2019.
8) Paper titled “High Resolution nuclear timing spectroscopy system based on new method of free running ramp and tracking ADCs” by K. Chavan, P. Vaidya and J. Nair – poster presentation in International Conference on New Frontiers in Nuclear Physics (ICNFNP Oct 2019), BHU, Varanasi, research paper published in Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP)special edition for ICNFNP Conference, Vol. 58 (05), May 2020.
9) Paper titled "Time Interval Measurement using Analog & Digital Methods – A Comparative Study" by K. Chavan, P. Vaidya and J. Nair published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Volume 10, Issue 4, April-2021.
Assistant Professor
Madhumati Khuspe
Signal Processing, Image processing
Signal Processing, Tranceducers, Power Electronics
1) Ashwath S. Rao, Kanchan Chavan, P. P. Vaidya,“Radioactivity Analysis with NaI(Tl) Detector”, Avishkar Research 2012.
2) Paper titled "Robust Active Queue Management for Wireless Networks" by Chavan K., Kumar R.G., Belur M.N.,Karandikar A. published in IEEE Transations on Control Systems Technology Volume: 19 Issue: 6, On page(s): 1630 - 1638 Issue Date: Nov 2011.
3) Paper titled “Time to Amplitude Converter for Phase Shift Detection” by Divya Chacko, Mrs. Kanchan Chavan published in International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October, 2015.
4) Paper titled “High Resolution Wide Dynamic Range for Programmable Delay Generator for Applications in Timing Spectroscopy” by Shivali Dube, Kanchan Chavan,Dr. P. P. Vaidya published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 6, Issue 1,January 2017.
5) Paper titled “Time Pick off Circuit for Nuclear Timing Spectroscopy Applications” by Kunal Raut, Kanchan Chavan published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 7,Issue 10, October 2018.
Assistant Professor
Kadambari Sharma
Assistant Professor
Kader B T Shaikh
Audio Anomaly Detection, Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning, Embedded Systems, Process automation
Instrumentation Project Documentation & Execution, Analog Electronics, Electrical Networks Ananlysis and synthesis, Signal Conditioning Circuit Design , Basic Electrical Engineering, Feedback Control system, Electronic Instrumentation and Control, Batch Process Automation
K. B. T. Shaikh, N. P. Jawarkar and V. Ahmed, "Machine diagnosis using acoustic analysis: a review," 2021 IEEE Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century (21CW), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/21CW48944.2021.9532537.
K. B. T. Shaikh, "Smart sensor using function approximation," 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), Bangalore, India, May 2017, pp. 1223-1226. doi: 10.1109/RTEICT.2017.8256793
Assistant Professor
Prasad Godse
Process Instrumentation, Project Engineering, Process Automation, Erection & Commissioning,Training & Placements
Transducers, Control system components, Process Instrumentation system ,Industrial process control , Process Automation, Instrumentation Project Documentation & Execution, Instrument system Design , Project planning Engineering
Active contribution in state of the Art Process Instrumentation Laboratory Development Project @ VESIT Instrumentation Dept
Assistant Professor
Amudha Senthilkumar
control system,signal processing
control system Design,Digital Image Processing,Digital signal Processing,signals and system,signal conditioning and circuit design ,Electrical Network and Anyalsis
1.Presented project " Low level signal Generator" at IEEE & IEEMA INTELECT conference and exposition ,Jan 2015 2. Paper titled "Digitally Controlled Low Amplitude Signal Generator" byMrs..Amudha Senthilkumar, Dr. P.P.Vaidya, Mr. N.Gopalkrishnan, at IEEE sponsporsed international conference for converges for Technology,pune
Assistant Professor
IoT,Embedded systems,Micrporocessors,Microcontrollers
Embedded Systems For Instrumentation,Transducers 1,Objected Orienetd Programming Computer Organisation and Architecture,Image Processing
1)Presented a paper titled "Low cost High Performance Computer controlled system for Measurement of Ultracapacitor characteristics" by Mrs.Jayassre Ramakrishnan, Dr. P.P.Vaidya, Mr. N.Gopalkrishnan, Dr. (Mrs) J.M. Nair at International meeting on Energy Storage devices , IIT Roorkee on 10 December 2018
Assistant Professor
Jayasree Ramakrishnan
Electronics, Ultracapacitors, Wireless communiction
Digital Electronics, Principles of communication,Electrical Networks Ananlysis and synthesis, Industrial Data Communication, Digital Signal Processing, Electrical Networks & Measurements, Analog & Digital Communication, Basic Electrical & Electronics ,Electronic Instrumentation & Measurements
1)Presented a paper titled "Low cost High Performance Computer controlled system for Measurement of Ultracapacitor characteristics" by Mrs.Jayassre Ramakrishnan, Dr. P.P.Vaidya, Mr. N.Gopalkrishnan, Dr. (Mrs) J.M. Nair at International meeting on Energy Storage devices , IIT Roorkee on 10 December 2018. 2)"Measurement of Parameters of Ultracapacitor"- Mrs. Jayassre Ramakrishnan, Dr. P. P. Vaidya , Published in: 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) DOI: 10.1109/RTEICT.2017.8256915 3)"Digital Meter for Measuring Capacitance of an Ultra-capacitor" by Mrs. Jayassre Ramakrishnan, Dr. P.P. Vaidya published in International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Nepal,ISSN-20912730 Volume 4, Issue 1, January-February, 2016
Assistant Professor
Mugdha Joglekar
Electrical and Electronics
Digital Electronics, Electrical Networks Ananlysis and synthesis, Electrical Technology and Instruments,Signal Conditioning Circuit Design , Basic Electrical Engineering, Principles of Control system, Analytical Instrumentation, Principles of communication